Implementation Of Health Promotion Strategies In Integrated Field Work Lectures For North Aceh Nursing Study Program Students Health Polytechnic Ministry Of Health, Aceh


  • Said Taufiq Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh
  • Cut Aja Nuraskin Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh


Health promotion strategies, advocacy, partnership, empowerment


Many health promotion strategies can directly prevent, maintain and even improve public health. Campaigns to improve behavior and lifestyle, efforts to prevent disease and efforts to find health problems and diseases early (screening) are effective and low-cost strategies. It is believed that this strategy will improve health in the future through several changes and activities such as advocacy, atmosphere building, partnerships and community empowerment. The research aims to get an overview of the implementation of health promotion strategies by students in implementing the Integrated-FWL in 2024. The research was conducted at the North Aceh Nursing Study Program, Lhokseumawe City. The research design used a survey method with a sample of 73 students. Data collection by distributing questionnaires to respondents using Google Form. Data analysis was carried out through univariate analysis with the type of data used in this research being categorical. The results of the research show that students have implemented two health promotion strategies very well in implementing Integrated-FWL, namely atmosphere building and community empowerment strategies. Students have not been able to implement health advocacy and partnership strategies well. It is hoped that the results of the research will provide direction for improving the implementation of Integrated-FWL in the future, especially for students of the North Aceh Nursing Study Program, Ministry of Health Polytechnic, Aceh


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