Description Of The Number Of Erythrocytes In Tuberculosis Patients Who Are On Treatment


  • Reta Hanifa Salwa Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh
  • Irwana Wahab Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh


Tuberculosis, Erythrocyte Count, OAT


Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria. Anti-tuberculosis drugs (OAT) have side effects on the body because taking drugs continuously during treatment can cause drug accumulation in the body which can affect erythrocytes. Therefore, the longer tuberculosis patients take OAT, the more red blood cells decrease, resulting in anemia. The purpose of examining the number of erythrocytes is to determine the number of erythrocytes in patients with Tuberculosis during the treatment period at Puskesmas Kuta alam Banda Aceh in 2024. This study uses descriptive method research. Aims to provide a description of what actually happened. This research was conducted at the Kuta Alam Health Center, Banda Aceh City. The number of samples of this study were 6 respondents. Of the 6 respondents, 4 respondents 67% were normal with an average erythrocyte count of 4.60 million/uL and 2 respondents 33% were low in patients who had undergone treatment for 3 months. The results showed 4 respondents (67%) had normal erythrocyte counts, 2 respondents (33%) had low erythrocyte counts





