ASJo: Aceh Sanitation Journal <p>Aceh Sanitation Journal (ASjo) is a website platform that publishes research on environmental health sciences.</p> en-US (Ferdi Riansyah, S, Tr, Kep, MKM) (Darmiati, SKM, MPH ) Wed, 17 Jul 2024 05:52:30 +0000 OJS 60 Determinants of Nutritional Status in Toddlers in the Meureubo Health Center Working Area, West Aceh Regency 2023 <p><em>The nutritional status of children under five is one of the world's concerns in the field of global public welfare in achieving the SDG's target. In the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), there are several main targets in efforts to improve the nutritional status of the community, namely reducing the prevalence of undernutrition (wasting) in children under five from 10.2% to 7% and the prevalence of stunting (short and very short) in children under five from 27.7% to 14%. This study aims to determine what factors are associated with the nutritional status of toddlers in the Meureubo West Aceh Health Center Working Area. This study is a quantitative study that is descriptive analytic with a cross-sectional design. This research was conducted at the Meureubo Health Center Work Area, West Aceh Regency. The population in this study were all mothers who had toddlers (1-5 years), namely 1,364 respondents. The sample was 93 respondents who were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis. The results of this study showed the level of maternal education (p-value = 0.298 &gt; α 0.05), parental income (p-value = 0.922 &gt; α 0.05), maternal employment (p-value = 0.672 &gt; α 0.05), history of infectious disease (p-value = 0.010 &lt; α 0.05), feeding (p-value = 0.668 &gt; α 0.05). The associated variables were history of infectious diseases and the unresolved ones were mother's education level, parents' income, mother's occupation, and feeding. It is suggested that future researchers can make this research a scientific reference to conduct further research or conduct similar research in the future.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Determinants, Nutritional Status, Toddlers</em></p> Vanesa Silvia nesa, Dian Fera, Wintah Wintah, Perry Boy Chandra Siahaan, Ihsan Murdani Copyright (c) 2024 ASJo: Aceh Sanitation Journal Mon, 27 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of the Implementation of the No-Smoking Area Policy in the Working Area of the Nagan Raya District Health Service <p><em>The implementation of the no-smoking area policy within the Nagan Raya District Health Service is currently underway with posters prohibiting no-smoking areas affixed to the walls of every room in the Health Service office and also outside the room such as in the front yard and side yard of the office. Apart from posters, the message about the prohibition of smoking was also conveyed through banner media intended for all employees and visitors at the Nagan Raya Health Service. However, there are still many staff and visitors who smoke in these prohibited areas. The aim of the research is to see how the implementation, influencing factors and obstacles in the smoke-free area policy in Nagan Raya are implemented. The research method used is a qualitative method. Data was obtained from observations, interviews and submitted questionnaires by researchers directly to respondents at the Nagan Raya District Health Service. The results of the research show that the Nagan Raya Regency Government has established regional regulation number 3 of 2015 concerning smoking-free areas, implementation is carried out by spreading advice and outreach to the community. In its implementation, there are still obstacles, namely that there are still many staff who lack discipline by violating or not paying attention to these regulations. There are still visitors who don't know much about Non-Smoking Areas where there are restrictions on smoking areas and don't know the strict sanctions of these regulations. Suggestions to the government are expected to improve KTR regulations, the Health Service can be the spearhead in implementing KTR, the public is expected to be able to comply with government regulations regarding KTR policies.</em></p> Medinda Trianisya, Darmawan Darmawan, Meutia Paradhiba, Maiza Duana, Sufyan Anwar Copyright (c) 2024 ASJo: Aceh Sanitation Journal Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000