JEUMPA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat <p><strong>JUEMPA:<em> Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dengan nomor (e-ISSN: 2964-6731),</em></strong> merupakan jurnal ilmiah hasil kegiatan pengabdian yang dialkukan dosen, mahasiswa dan masyarakat yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Kesehatan Gigi Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh. Jurnal ini membahas beberapa permasalahan umum dari hasil penelitian yang diimplementasikan ke masyarakat. Tujuan penerbitan jurnal ini adalah untuk menyebarluaskan pemikiran atau gagasan konseptual dan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dosen yang telah dicapai dalam bidang pengabdian kepada masyarakat.</p> <p><strong>Editor in Chief: <a href="">Teuku Salfiyadi</a>, Indonesia | Publisher: <a href="">Jurusan Kesehatan Gigi</a></strong></p> Jurusan Kesehatan Gigi id-ID JEUMPA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2964-6731 Intervensi Menyikat Gigi Pada Anak Usia 6 – 12 Tahun Dengan Pendampingan Oleh Ibu Di Desa Keude Ulee Glee Kabupaten Pidie Jaya <p><em>Dental</em><em> and oral hygiene can be achieved well by cleaning the teeth and mouth from food debris. The target activities of children aged 6-12 years in Keude Ulee Glee village, a total of 20 respondents are mothers. The first day's activities were in the form of health counseling on brushing techniques and maintenance of dental and oral health, starting with pretest and post test after counseling. Results of community service activities show an increase in knowledge before and after counseling. At the time of the demonstration of brushing, the child can do brushing his teeth properly and correctly, it is known that the plaque index before and after brushing teeth there is a difference (P&lt;0.05). The results of this community service activity are expected to parents, especially mothers, to accompany their children to maintain dental and oral health as an effort to prevent caries.</em></p> Cut Ratna Keumala Sisca Mardelita Intan Liana Andriani Linda Suryani Arnela Nur Nurdin Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Cut Ratna Keumala, Sisca Mardelita, Intan Liana, Andriani, Linda Suryani, Arnela Nur, Nurdin (Penulis) 2024-04-20 2024-04-20 3 1 26 33 10.30867/jeumpa.v3i1.382 Edukasi Dalam Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Gigi Dan Mulut Pada Murid SDN 60 Kota Banda Aceh <p><em>Dental health education is key instilling good oral hygiene practices and correct tooth brushing techniques in students. A community service initiative SDN 60 Banda Aceh City, aimed at Class V students, significantly enhanced their knowledge on dental and oral health using a descriptive educational approach for all 30 class members, with data analyzed univariate analysis. The intervention, which included dental health education remarkably improved students' dental health awareness. Before intervention, students predominantly lacked dental health knowledge; post-intervention, an impressive 96.7% exhibited good knowledge levels. This improvement underscores dental health education's effectiveness and the necessity of health workers' promotive approaches. Participation in School Health Unit (UKGS) activities, emphasizing the right brushing techniques and habits, is crucial for boosting dental and oral health awareness among youth. This experience highlights critical role of dental health education in enhancing students' overall health and well-being, demonstrating its transformative impact.</em></p> Reca Cut Aja Nuraskin Teuku Salfiyadi Eka Sri Rahayu Ainun Mardiah Rika YUsnaini Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Reca, Cut Aja Nuraskin, Teuku Salfiyadi, Eka Sri Rahayu, Ainun Mardiah, Rika YUsnaini (Penulis) 2024-04-20 2024-04-20 3 1 18 25 10.30867/jeumpa.v3i1.542 Pelatihan Dental Health Education Tentang Kewaspadaan Penularan Covid-19 Pada Kader Meunasah Manyet <p><em>Health cadres as the spearhead of society need to equip themselves with knowledge and help efforts to improve the optimal level of dental and oral health. Therefore, cadres must master various skills and knowledge techniques. In this activity, training is carried out with the hope that cadres can transfer the knowledge received to be conveyed back to the community, especially in high risk groups for dental and oral diseases. This community service aims to carry out dental health education training in increasing readiness and vigilance for the transmission of COVID-19 in Gampong Meunasah Manyet cadres, Aceh Besar District. This community service is carried out using a quantitative method with a descriptive approach, with a target of 40 posyandu cadres. The intervention provided was in the form of cadre training. The results of the evaluation of the attendance of participants, 100% attended the training well and were active. &nbsp;The results of community service in Gampong Meunasah Manyet, Aceh Besar District, obtained the results of cadre knowledge after being given training increased by 75%. It is recommended that puskesmas officers in the working area &nbsp;to provide training to Posyandu cadres at least once every 3 months and on an ongoing basis to further increase the activity of Posyandu cadres. &nbsp;</em></p> Reca Reca Teuku Salfiyadi Ratna Willis Yeni Rimadeni Intan Liana Andriani Andriani Citra Feriana Putri Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Reca Reca, Teuku Salfiyadi, Ratna Willis, Yeni Rimadeni, Intan Liana, Andriani Andriani, Citra Feriana Putri 2024-04-20 2024-04-20 3 1 10.30867/jeumpa.v3i1.115 Peningkatan Kesehatan Gigi Dan Mulut Dengan Cara Kontrol Plak Yang Benar Pada Anak SDN 53 Kota Banda Aceh <p> </p> <p><em>Plaque control is very important for maintaining oral healt.</em> <em>The habit of maintaining healthy teeth and mouth is influenced by the knowledge one has and proper tooth brushing techniques are very important in achieving dental and oral hygiene. Therefore, delivering dental and oral health education to students is very important. This community service aims to increase knowledge about how to control plaque and how to brush teeth properly and correctly in children at SDN 53 Banda Aceh City. This community service was carried out using a descriptive method, with the target being all 30 class V students at SDN 53 Banda Aceh City. The intervention provided is in the form of education about children's dental health and demonstrations on how to see plaque and how to control plaque (brushing teeth properly and</em> <em>correctly).</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Imroved dental health, plaque control</em></p> Ainun Mardiah Reca Reca Cut Aja Nuraskin Teuku Salfiyadi Eka Sri Rahayu Munira Munira Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Ainun, Reca, Cut Aja Nuraskin, Teuku Salfiyadi, Eka Sri Rahayu, Munira Munira (Penulis) 2024-04-20 2024-04-20 3 1 9 17 10.30867/jeumpa.v3i1.554