ILMIAH FARMASI SIMPLISIA2025-01-25T09:05:20+00:00Rima Journal Systems<p><strong>Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Simplisia</strong> or which has the abbreviation JIFS was created and developed by the Department of Pharmacy at Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh. This journal aimed at developing research that has been written, enhancing the ability to present research results, serving as a reference, and archiving the works of researchers, lecturers, and pharmaceutical professionals both nationally and internationally. The works published in this journal include community pharmacy, clinical pharmacy, traditional medicine, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical technology. This scientific journal is published semi-annually.</p> Of Sunscreen Cream Combination Of Kepok Banana Corm And Moringa Leaf Extracts RahmawatiRahmawati@gmail.comAlvira DamayantiDamayanti2@gmail.comAyu Wanda Yuli WulandariWulandari@gmail.comMuhammad<p>The utilization of natural materials as active ingredients in cosmetic formulations combining two natural substances is rarely encountered. It is essential to conduct an evaluation of the combination cream derived from natural materials, both chemically and physically. This research aimed to evaluate the active ingredient content that could be processed as sunscreen and to assess the physical quality of the cream. The methods employed included extract preparation, cream formulation, physical quality evaluation, antioxidant testing, and SPF testing. The results of the physical quality tests indicate that the M/A cream meets the required physical quality standards. The antioxidant test results show that FI has moderate activity, FII has strong activity, and FIII has very strong activity, while the SPF test results for FI, FII, and FIII indicate maximum protection. The conclusion of this research is that the evaluation of the physical quality of the cream meets the established criteria, the antioxidant test demonstrates strong activity, and the SPF test indicates maximum protection.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 andini, Gia Rahmawati, Alvira Damayanti, Ayu Wanda Yuli Wulandari, Muhammad Evan Tingkat Pengetahuan Masyarakat Terhadap Perilaku Swamedikasi Obat Bebas Terbatas Di Apotek Izi Kecamatan Panca Rijang Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang Tahun 20242024-12-13T09:47:17+00:00Wahyuni L.Odestkmswahyuni@gmail.comFitriana BunyanisBunyanis2@gmail.comRustam RustamRustam@gmail.comReski<p>Swamedikasi adalah perilaku manusia yang biasanya dilakukan masyarakat untuk mendapatkan solusi terkait masalah kesehatan, untuk alasan ini swamedikasi yang dilakukkan oleh masyarakat harus diawasi apoteker ataupun tenaga teknis kefarmasian. Masyarakat membutuhkan pengetahuan yang sesuai untuk mendapatkan perilaku yang tepat dalam swamedikasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap perilaku swamedikasi obat bebas terbatas di Apotek Izi Kecamatan Panca Rijang Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pendekatan deskriptif, yaitu penelitian yang menggambarkan terhadap suatu objek yang akan diteliti. Metode yang digunakan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 30 % responden (30 orang) memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang swamedikasi obat bebas terbatas, sementara 48% responden (48 orang) berada pada kategori cukup, dan 22% responden (22 Orang) berada pada kategori kurang. Hal tersebut dikarenakan responden hanya mendapatkan informasi dari pengalaman pribadi dan informasi dari masyarakat dan sekitarnya, serta media komunikasi seperti televisi dan internet, sehingga dapat berdampak positif bagi masyarakat.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Wahyuni L.Ode, Fitriana Bunyanis, Rustam Rustam, Reski Amalia Parameter Spesifik Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Batang Kelor (Moringa oleifera L.) Asal Desa Kore, Kecamatan Sanggar, Kabupaten Dompu2024-12-12T07:19:03+00:00Andy Susbandiyah Ifadadiyah.lpmunw@gmail.comDarma Subekti Putra BintoroBintoro2@gmail.comAde Irma Fitria<p>Indonesia memiliki sumber daya alam yang sangat beranekaragam dan sangat melimpah. Tanaman Kelor (<em>Moringa oleifera </em>L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang mudah dijumpai di Indonesia dan telah dimanfaatkan secara luas. Seluruh bagian dari kelor diketahui memiliki manfaat bagi kesehatan, termasuk kulit batang kelor.Pemanfaatan tanaman sebagai bahan obat maupun bahan baku obat perlu melalui serangkaian uji untuk memastikan mutu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pengujian mutu parameter spesifik dan nonspesifik dari Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Batang Kelor asal Desa Kore Kabupaten Dompu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental laboratorium dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil uji parameter spesifik diperoleh ekstrak kulit batang kelor (<em>Moringa oleifera L</em>) memiliki kandungan Flavonoid, kulit batang yang berbentuk memanjang kasar, tumpul, rata dengan ukuran panjang ± 9 cm dan lebar 2,5 cm, berwarna hijau kecoklatan, berbau khas, dan berasa pahit. Pada pengamatan mikroskopik memiliki fragmen pengenal yaitu berkas pembuluh, sel batu tunggal dan kristal kalsium oksalat berbentuk roset. Kadar senyawa larut air total yaitu 59,04% dan kadar senyawa larut etanol sebesar 33,92%. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa parameter yang diujikan pada ekstrak kulit batang kelor memiliki nilai yang berbeda dengan nilai pada persyaratan mutu sampel daun kelor.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Andy Susbandiyah Ifada, Darma Subekti Putra Bintoro, Ade Irma Fitria Ningsih Of Adolescent Girls About Management Of Dysmenorrhea In Pringgolayan Bantul2024-07-24T04:15:14+00:00Danang Yuliantojogja70974@gmail.comVita<p>The incidence of dysmenorrhea in Indonesia is quite high, with primary type dysmenorrhea around 54.89%. Adolescents' knowledge is much needed in carrying out appropriate management of dysmenorrhea to improve their quality of life. The majority of adolescents girls knowledge about the management of dysmenorrhea is still in the poor category. The aim of this research was to determine the knowledga level of adolescents girls about management of dysmenorrhea in Pringgolayan Hamlet, Bantul. The method used in this research is descriptive observational using the purposive sampling method with 100 respondents from 1,464 people of population. Data were collected using a questionnaire containing the definition, signs and symptoms, risk factors and management of dysmenorrhea. The data was then analyzed descriptively to describing knowledge in a situation with good, sufficient and poor levels of knowledge. The results of this research are the level of knowledge of adolecent girls in Pringgolayan Hamlet, Bantul, which is in the good category with 18 respondents (18%), the sufficient category with 50 respondents (50%) and the poor category with 32 respondents (32%). The conclusion of this research is that the level of knowledge of adolescent girl in Pringgolayan Hamlet, Bantul is included in the sufficient category.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Dysmenorrhea, Level of Knowledge, Adolescent Girls</p> <p> </p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Danang Yulianto, Vita Vita level of compliance of outpatients with the use of measuring spoons of medicine at the Integrated Management of Sick Toddlers (Mtbs) Poli UPTD Puskesmas Meureubo West Aceh District2024-12-13T09:45:59+00:00Amelia BurdahBurdah@gmail.comTia RizkaRizka3@gmail.comDefri AroniAroni4@gmail.comMaria IrwaniIrwani5@gmail.comHalimatussakdiah HalimatussakdiahHalimatussakdiah6@gmail.comMunazar<p>Medicine measuring spoon is one of the measuring tools used to obtain the appropriate dose when taking medicine in liquid form so that it is effective against disease. Patient treatment compliance with the use of measuring spoons is very important for the patient's recovery in treatment. This study aims to determine the level of compliance of outpatients with the use of measuring spoons. Sampling in this study was conducted using purposive sampling method. Measurement of the level of compliance was carried out using the MMAS-8 (Eight Item Modified Morisky Adherence Scale) questionnaire by collecting data on 66 respondents. The results of this study indicate that patients with a low level of compliance with a percentage of 62.1%, a moderate level of compliance with a percentage of 24.2%, and high compliance with a percentage of 13.6%. It can be concluded that the level of compliance of outpatients with the use of measuring spoons of medicine at the Integrated Management of Sick Toddlers (IMCI) Poli UPTD Puskesmas Meureubo West Aceh Regency is in the low category.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Amelia Sari, Burdah Burdah, Tia Rizka, Defri Aroni, Maria Irwani, Halimatussakdiah Halimatussakdiah, Munazar Munazar Sediaan Balsem Stik Kombinasi Minyak Sereh Wangi (Cymbopogon winterianus Jowwit) dan Ekstrak Etanol Kunyit (Curcuma domestica)2024-12-04T01:48:34+00:00Wiska Khaiyir Raqi<p>Balsem adalah salah satu bentuk sediaan farmasi yang dapat berfungsi sebagai pereda nyeri. Senyawa yang berasal dari alam seperti geraniol dalam sereh wangi dan kurkumin dalam kunyit telah terbukti berkhasiat sebagai anti nyeri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memformulasikan sediaan balsem stik dengan kombinasi minyak atsiri sereh wangi dan ekstrak etanol kunyit. Dalam penelitian ini diformulasikan 3 formula dengan variasi konsentrasi minyak atsiri sereh wangi dan ekstrak kunyit masing-masing yaitu 20% dan 0,75% (F1); 20% dan 1,25% (F2) serta 20% dan 2,5% (F3). Sediaan yang dihasilkan dievaluasi dengan pengujian organoleptis, homogenitas, pH, daya sebar dan pengujian hedonik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh sediaan balsem stik kombinasi minyak atsiri sereh wangi dan ekstrak kunyit memenuhi evaluasi fisik sediaan yaitu memiliki bentuk semi padat dengan bau khas sereh wangi. Formula F1 dan F2 berwarna kuning cerah dan F3 berwarna kuning agak gelap. Selanjutnya, seluruh sediaan dinyatakan homogen, dengan pH berkisar antara 6,3-6,5 dan daya sebar 3,4-4 cm yang memnuhi syarat. Berdasarkan hasil uji hedonik, F3 adalah formula terbaik berdasarkan penilaian panelis terhadap tekstur, warna, aroma dan kepuasan terhadap balsem stik kombinasi minyak atsiri sereh wangi dan ekstrak kunyit sebagai pereda nyeri.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Wiska Mailisa, Teuku Khaiyir Raqi Ariz Formulasi Sediaan Lulur Body Scrub Dari Beras Ketan Hitam (Oryza sativa l. Var glutinosa) Penambahan Madu Dengan Konsentrasi Berbeda2024-12-16T05:13:21+00:00Febia Sari Mustika RaniRani2@gmail.comRena Meutia3Meutia3@gmail.comCut Syarifa ThursinaThursina4@gmail.comDhea Nur FadhilahFadhilah5@gmail.comNur Irhamni<p><em>Body scrub </em>adalah sediaan farmasi berupa produk kecantikan yang berfungsi untuk menghaluskan kulit tubuh dan mengangkat sel-sel kulit rusak dengan bantuan bahan <em>scrub</em>. Bahan tambahan alami yang dapat membantu kualitas <em>body scrub </em>adalah beras ketan hitam dan madu, beras ketan hitam memiliki kandungan antioksidan yang mampu mempercepat produksi kolagen dan berperan dalam elastisitas kulit, penambahan madu pada <em>body scrub </em>berperan sebagai vitamin yang dapat memberikan kelembapan kulit dan memperbaiki kulit yang kusam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan formulasi terbaik pada pembuatan <em>body scrub </em>berbahan dasar beras ketan hitam dengan penambahan madu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan sampel beras ketan hitam berkonsentrasi 5% dan madu berkonsentrasi sebesar 5%, 10%, dan 15%. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisa deskriptif berupa angka yang kemudian disajikan dalam bentuk tabel. Uji mutu fisik sediaan meliputi uji organoleptik (warna, aroma, bentuk dan tekstur), uji homogentas, uji pH, uji daya sebar, dan uji iritasi kulit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sediaan yang dibuat memenuhi evaluasi fisik sediaan lulur pada uji organoleptik yang menghasilkan warna ungu, memiliki aroma khas beras ketan hitam dan madu, memiliki tekstur yang kasar karena memiliki butiran <em>scrub</em>, pH memenuhi persyaratan standar nasional indonesia, menghasilkan sediaan yang homogen, memiliki hasil daya sebar yang sesuai standar nasional indonesia, tidak terjadinya iritasi pada kulit. Diperoleh hasil yaitu pada kosentrasi 5% didapatkan daya hambat sebesar 5,3 cm, sedangkan pada kosentrasi 10% yaitu 5,5 cm dan pada kosentrasi terbesar 15% diperoleh daya hambat yaitu 5,7 cm. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah konsentrasi terbaik pada F3 sediaan lulur <em>body scrub </em>dari beras ketan hitam 5% dengan penambahan madu terdapat pada konsentrasi 15% memiliki mutu fisik terbaik pada uji organoleptik, uji homogenitas, uji pH, uji daya sebar dan uji iritasi.</p>2022-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Febia Sari Sari, Wahyu Mustika Rani, Rena Meutia3, Cut Syarifa Thursina, Dhea Nur Fadhilah, Nur Irhamni Sabrina Waktu Pemetikan Terhadap Kadar Flavonoid Total dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Esktrak Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera)2024-12-13T08:08:04+00:00vonna Aulianshahvonnaaulianshah16@gmail.comRasidah Rasidahrasidah@gmail.comRini<p>Moringa is a plant that is believed to have antioxidant activity that is able to provide cell defense against reactive oxygen species that cause cell damage. This activity is likely mediated by the high total flavonoid content of Moringa leaves, but the chemical content of the plant is highly dependent on several factors, one of which is the time of picking or picking. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of picking time on the total level of flavonoids and antioxidant activity of Moringa leaf extract (Moringa oleifera). The study was experimental by using two bound variables, namely total flavonoid levels and antioxidant activity from moringa leaf extract collected with different picking, namely at 6-7 a.m (EEDK1), 12-13 p.m (EEDK2) and 17-18 p.m (EEDK3) on the same day. Moringa leaf extract is made using a repetitive maceration method with a 70% ethanol solvent. The measurement of total flavonoid levels was carried out by spectrophotometry method with a concentration of 10,000 ppm and used quercetin as the benchmark standard. Antioxidant activity was determined through the DPPH method with extract concentrations of 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 ppm. The measurement results were analyzed for the percentage of inhibition and the IC50 (inhibitory concentration) value was calculated using the linear regression curve equation. Vitamin C was used as a comparison The measurement results of each test sample showed a significant difference in the percentage of inhibition and IC50 value, where EEDK1 was the most active and categorized as very strong with a value of 45.08 ppm. With these significant differences, it can be concluded that the picking time affects the total flavonoid levels and anti-oxidation activity of Moringa leaves</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 vonna Aulianshah, Rasidah Rasidah, Rini Handayani dan Evaluasi Mutu Fisik Sediaan Hand Cream dari Ekstrak Kulit Pepaya (Carica papaya L.)2024-12-17T07:38:28+00:00Rizki<p><em>Papaya peel extract (Carica papaya L.) has antioxidant content that functions as a sunscreen and can moisturize the skin of the hands. However, it is rarely used in cosmetic preparations such as hand creams. This study aims to increase the utilization of papaya peel waste, determine that papaya peel extract can be formulated as a hand cream preparation, and determine the physical properties of the hand cream preparation produced. This research method is experimentally laboratory, formulating a hand cream with a variation in the concentration of papaya peel extract as an active substance, namely F1 (1%), F2 (1.5%), and F3 (2%). The evaluation of the physical quality of hand cream emulsion type test, organoleptic test, pH test, homogeneity test, dispersibility test, adhesion test, and viscosity test. The results showed that papaya peel extract with concentrations of 1%, 1.5%, and 2% could be formulated as a hand cream preparation. The results of the physical quality evaluation in the three formulations showed that the type of A/M emulsion (cream) is yellow in color, semi-solid, and has a distinctive smell of papaya peel. All homogeneous formulations have a pH value of 6.4 – 7, dispersion ability of 5.3 cm – 7 cm, adhesion ability ≥ 4 seconds, and a viscosity value of 1800 cPs – 5000 cPs. The results of the evaluation test of hand creams containing papaya peel extract of 1%, 1.5%, and 2% meet the physical quality requirements of hand cream preparations.</em></p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Rizki Andalia and Phytochemical Screening of Jamblang Leaf Extract (Syzygium Cumini L. (Skeels))2024-12-13T08:16:55+00:00mona asiah 0monaasiah@gmail.comFebia<h1 style="text-align: justify;"><span lang="IN" style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: black; font-weight: normal;">Jamblang (Syzygium cumini L. (Skeels)), is a plant that is thought to contain tannin compounds. Of the various types of polyphenols, tannin is an active ingredient that is used as a natural coagulant. Tannin, or known as tannic acid, is a water-soluble polyphenol that contains many functional groups such as hydroxyl or carboxyl (Bele et al., 2010). Characterization of simple drugs is important to do to determine the authenticity and quality of simple drugs which will later become standards if the simple drugs are used as test materials. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of jamblang leaf simple drugs. The study began with sampling, determination, making simple drugs, characterization including macroscopic tests, microscopic tests, determination of water content, ash content, acid-insoluble ash content and phytochemical screening. Data were analyzed using descriptive methods. Macroscopic and microscopic characterization of jamblang leaves showed that jamblang leaves are single, thick leaves. The leaf blades are oval, the edges are flat, the leaf veins are pinnate, and the upper surface is shiny. Microscopic examination of jamblang leaves shows that jamblang leaves have a cuticle layer and have anomotetracyclic stomata. The water content of the ethanol extract of jamblang leaves is 5.98%, the total ash content is 4.15%, and the acid-insoluble ash content is 0.81%. The results of phytochemical screening of jamblang leaf extract contain steroids/triterpenoids, glycosides, saponins, flavonoids, tannins, and alkaloids.</span></h1>2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 mona asiah 0, Febia sari