Journal of Midwifery and Community Health (JMCH) <p>The Journal of Midwifery and Community Health (JMCH) is an official journal from the Department of Midwifery Health Polytechnic of Aceh (Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh). This journal is in English and is a semi-annual peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarly articles on midwifery and community health. It was established in 2022. The journal aims to become a publication medium for the research conducted by midwives and other health workers. The editorial board comes from various educational institutions in Indonesia and abroad, and the managing directors are people who have experience in the field of publication</p> Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic of Aceh en-US Journal of Midwifery and Community Health (JMCH) 2964-108X THE MIDWIFERY CARE ON NEONATE IN GAMPONG BAYU, INGIN JAYA, THE DISTRICT OF ACEH BESAR <p>According to the Aceh Health Profile 2020, the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) refers to the number of infants who die during the period from birth until the infant has not yet reached the age of 1 year per 1,000 live births. The Infant Mortality Rate in Aceh by the end of 2020 reached 10/1000 live births. This occurred due to the insufficient maternal and child health services that meet the standards, the lack of capacity improvement for midwives in villages in managing newborns, and the lack of understanding among mothers in the early detection of fetal danger signs. </p> <p>This case report aims to provide normal midwifery care for a neonate in Gampong Bayu, Ingin Jaya, The district of Aceh Besar, and document it in the midwifery care format (SOAP). The first care was conducted on May 13, 2022, after data collection showed that the mother reported her baby was the first child born 3 hours earlier at the midwifery clinic on May 13, 2022, at 17:20, with full-term gestational age and the baby in a healthy condition. Physical examination results were normal, and care was provided to the mother regarding the recommendations for Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD) for the newborn, administration of Vitamin K injection, HBO injection after 1 hour of birth, explaining to the mother how to keep the baby warm, breastfeeding properly, umbilical cord care, and maintaining cleanliness.</p> Afifa Putri Yusnaini Yusnaini Oktalia Sabrida Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Midwifery and Community Health (JMCH) 2024-07-20 2024-07-20 3 1 1 4 10.30867/jmch.v3i1.691 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OBESITY AND SELF-ESTEEM IN FEMALE ADOLESCENTS IN GRADE XII MAN I, KOTA BANDA ACEH <p>Background: Obesity is the accumulation of excessive fat in adipose tissue that can cause health problems among adolescents; untreated obesity can impact their psychological well-being. Obesity affects the psychological development of adolescents. The psychological issues that arise include self-esteem disorders related to their perception of their appearance. Issues with self- esteem lead to feelings of dissatisfaction with oneself, low self-confidence, feelings of being distanced by peers, and even depression.</p> <p>Subject and Method: This study is observational with a cross-sectional approach. The sample consists of 56 female adolescents in the twelfth grade at MAN 1 Banda Aceh, using a total sampling technique. Data analysis employed the chi-square test.</p> <p>Result: The research findings indicate that 29 individuals (56.8%) of female adolescents experience obesity I (BMI 25-29.9) and have low self-esteem. Female adolescents with obesity II exhibit low self-esteem in 5 cases (100%). A significant relationship exists between obesity and self-esteem among the twelfth-grade female adolescents at MAN 1 Banda Aceh, with a p-value of</p> <p>0.000 (p&lt;0.005).</p> <p>Conclusion: Obesity causes a decrease in self-esteem among the twelfth-grade female adolescents at MAN 1 Banda Aceh.</p> Auna Putri Eva Purwita Cut Nurhasanah Irma Seriana Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Midwifery and Community Health (JMCH) 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 3 1 5 9 10.30867/jmch.v3i1.674 THE ANALYSIS OF DISCOMFORT DURING PREGNANCY IN PUSKESMAS DARUL AMAN , THE DISTRICT OF ACEH TIMUR <p>Background: Pregnant women will experience physical and psychological changes that can cause discomfort. The discomforts during pregnancy include fatigue, vaginal discharge, cravings, frequent urination, nausea and vomiting, chloasma, hemorrhoids, constipation, shortness of breath, round ligament pain, dizziness, varicose veins in the legs and vulva, as well as gingivitis and epulis.</p> <p>Subjects and Method: The research method used is analytical with a cross-sectional approach. The sample in this study consists of 88 pregnant women, with the study conducted from January 5 to January 19, 2022—data analysis utilized univariate and bivariate methods with chi-square statistical testing.</p> <p>Results; The analysis of discomforts during pregnancy most frequently experienced by pregnant women includes urination with 80 respondents (90.9%), cravings with 79 respondents (89.8%), emesis gravidarum with 62 respondents (70.4%), and dizziness with 42 respondents (47.7%).</p> <p>Conclusion: There is a relationship between age and parity and physical and psychological discomfort during pregnancy.</p> Ratna Dewi Elizawati Elizawati Noviyanti Noviyanti Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Midwifery and Community Health (JMCH) 2024-07-20 2024-07-20 3 1 10 26 10.30867/jmch.v3i1.705 MIDWIFERY CARE ON THE PREGNANT WOMEN IN LAMPREH LAMTEUNGAOH, INGIN JAYA, THE DISTRICT OF ACEH BESAR <p>Health issues that often occur during pregnancy include anemia, Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED), and obesity; risk factors such as closely spaced pregnancies, multiple pregnancies/twins, obstetric complications, non-communicable and communicable diseases, and mental health issues need more attention because they significantly impact overall health. One of the indicators of public health status is the maternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate. The higher the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) and infant mortality in a country, the worse the health status of that country is likely to be.</p> <p>This case report aims to provide midwifery care for pregnant women in Gampong Lampreh Lamteungoh, Ingin Jaya Subdistrict, Aceh Besar District, and to document it in the SOAP format. The first care was conducted on Tuesday, January 24, 2023, and after data collection, it was found that the mother had no complaints. The examination results were within normal limits. The data analysis indicated G1P0A0 at 27 weeks and 1 day of pregnancy, with both mother and fetus in good condition. Midwifery guidance was provided regarding recommendations for nutritious food, adequate water intake, sufficient rest, a continuation of iron supplement tablets, health education on discomfort during pregnancy, and visiting health facilities if any complaints arise. According to her concerns, further care will be provided during the mother's next visit. </p> Fidiatul Khairi Kartinazahri Juliastuti Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Midwifery and Community Health (JMCH) 2024-07-20 2024-07-20 3 1 27 30 10.30867/jmch.v3i1.677 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDES RELATED PERSONAL HYGIENE OF FEMALE ADOLESCENTS AT DAYAH INSAN QUR'ANI, SUKAMAKMUR, THE DISTRICT OF ACEH BESAR <p>Background: A lack of personal hygiene among adolescents can lead to various health problems, particularly reproductive health problems. Providing information through education related to knowledge about personal hygiene is one way to help adolescents maintain their personal hygiene.</p> <p>Subjects and Method: This study's subjects were 65 female students at Dayah Insan Qurani. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling from 7th—and 8th-grade students. The independent variable was the level of knowledge, and the dependent variable was adolescents' attitudes toward personal hygiene. The analysis was univariate and bivariate with a Chi-Square test using SPSS version 25 software.</p> <p>Results: The level of knowledge among the adolescent girls at Dayah Insan Qurani was good at 35.4%, while the negative attitudes were at 56.9%. The results of the bivariate test indicated that female adolescents with good knowledge had a positive attitude of 65.2%, while those with negative attitudes were at 34.8% with a p-value of 0.012.</p> <p>Conclusion: Female adolescents with a good level of knowledge tend to have positive attitudes compared to those with less knowledge. It is hoped that the roles of parents, teachers, and peers can enhance education for adolescents through various media, enabling them to possess good knowledge and positive attitudes regarding personal hygiene.</p> Nurlaili Ramli Hayatun Nufus anita Gustiana Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Midwifery and Community Health (JMCH) 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 3 1 31 40 10.30867/jmch.v3i1.692 THE RISK FACTORS INFLUENCING ABORTION A LITERATURE REVIEW <p>Background: In general, the five leading causes of maternal mortality are bleeding, Hypertension in Pregnancy (HDK), infection, prolonged labor or obstructed labor, and abortion. Maternal mortality in Indonesia is still dominated by three main causes: bleeding, HDK, and infection. However, the proportions have changed, with bleeding and infection showing a tendency to decrease, while HDK has been on the rise. More than 25% of maternal deaths in Indonesia in 2017 were caused by HDK.</p> <p>Objective: This literature review aims to identify the risk factors influencing the occurrence of abortion.</p> <p>Method: This study employed a literature review method based on data from various electronic databases within the last five years, including Academic Search Complete, Proquest, Pubmed, EBSCO, and Google Scholar. A total of 7 articles were selected that met the criteria and were published in both Indonesian and English.</p> <p>Results: It showed a significant relationship between the age of pregnant women and the incidence of abortion (p&lt;0.05). There is a significant relationship between parity and the incidence of abortion (p&lt;0.05). A significant relationship exists between the distance between pregnancies and the incidence of abortion (p&lt;0.05). There is a significant relationship between the mother's health history and the incidence of abortion (p&lt;0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion: The factors causing the incidence of abortion include age, parity, pregnancy spacing, and the mother's health history. Preventive measures include avoiding pregnancy at a young age (&lt;20 years) because, from a biological standpoint, the reproductive organs have not fully developed, and at an older age (&gt;35 years), the elasticity of the pelvic muscles and surrounding area, as well as the reproductive organs, generally have diminished. Women in this age range are at a higher risk of experiencing antenatal complications, including abortion.</p> Riska Maya Adri Idiana Cut Yuniwati Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Midwifery and Community Health (JMCH) 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 3 1 41 48 10.30867/jmch.v3i1.706