diaphragmatic breathing, anxiety, preoperation, caesarean sectionAbstract
One of the psychological problems experienced by mothers before caesarean section surgery is anxiety. If anxiety is not treated immediately, it can hinder the birthing process. A non-pharmacological technique for reducing anxiety is the diaphragmatic breathing relaxation technique, which is a relaxation technique that causes oxygen to flow into the blood vessels, causing a pleasant sensation. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of diaphragmatic breathing relaxation techniques on reducing anxiety in patients before caesarean section surgery. This type of research is quasi-experimental with a one group pre and post test design. The population is patients who will undergo caesarean section, a total of 44 samples using incidental sampling technique. The tool for measuring anxiety uses the Zung-Self Anxiety Rating Scale (ZSAS) observation sheet which is carried out before and after the intervention is given. Data analysis used the paired samples t-test. The average pre test anxiety level was 58.93, the post-test average was 27.23 with a difference value of 31.7 and a p value of 0.002, meaning that there was an influence of diaphragmatic breathing relaxation techniques on reducing anxiety. The conclusion of this study is that the diaphragmatic breathing relaxation technique can reduce the anxiety of pre caesarean section patients where the anxiety level of respondents who have been given the diaphragmatic breathing relaxation technique is known to have decreased significantly. The suggestion for hospitals is to prepare an SOP regarding diaphragmatic breathing relaxation therapy so that nurses can independently help reduce anxiety in pre-caesarean section patients.
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