Candida albicans, Urine, Teenage girl, Saboraud Dextrose AgarAbstract
Candida albicans is a species of pathogenic fungus that causes candidiasis. Candidiasis in women can occur due to poor personal hygiene such as moist reproductive organs, excessive use of antiseptics, rarely changing sanitary napkins, frequent use of tight underwear and inappropriate vaginal washing movements. The aim of the research was to determine whether or not the fungus Candida albicans was present in the urine of teenage girls isolated on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) media. The research is descriptive in nature, carried out in June 2024, starting with urine sample collection, followed by sample examination in the microbiology laboratory of the Medical Laboratory Technology Department. The research population, namely teenage girl at the Al-Manar Modern Islamic Boarding School, Aceh Besar, grades 7 and 8, consisted of 60 respondents. The research sample was 20 respondents taken using purposive sampling technique. The results of research on 20 urine samples were positive for Candida albicans in 7 urine samples of young women at the Al-Manar Modern Islamic Boarding School. In positive samples for Candida albicans, there was the growth of round-shaped colonies, smooth surfaces, yellowish white in color, with a yeasty smell on Saboraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) media. Microscopic observation found blastospores in preparations using 10% KOH and pseudohyphae were found in the Germ Tube test. It can be concluded that the results of the isolation of Candida albicans in the urine of teenage girls obtained positive results in 7 samples (35%) and negative results in 13 samples (65%) on SDA media.
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