anticoagulant, Passiflora foetida, Lee and WhiteAbstract
Substances that can be used to prevent blood clots are called anticoagulants. The anticoagulant drug used to treat blood clotting disorders that is commonly used today is heparin. Heparin is reported to have side effects of bleeding, osteoporosis, and thrombocytopenia. Based on these conditions, research is needed to look for anticoagulants from natural ingredients such as plants. Several plants in Indonesia are reported to have anticoagulant activity. The Rambot Bue plant (Passiflora foetida), commonly known as rambosa, whose leaves are often used by the people of Aceh as a mixture in vegetable stew. This plant is efficacious as a traditional medicine such as an analgesic and is reported to have many secondary metabolic activities. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out research to find out whether the Rambot Bue plant has the potential to have anticoagulant activity. In this research, the anticoagulant activity of Rambot Bue plant leaf juice will be tested in vitro in the laboratory using the modified Lee and White method. The anticoagulant activity test to determine the potential anticoagulant activity of Rambot Bue leaf juice gave results that no coagulation occurred in five blood specimens to which the juice of Rambot Bue plant leaves was added with juice in volumes of 450 µL, 400 µL, 350 µL and 300 µL. This condition shows that Rambot Bue leaf juice has the potential to have anticoagulant activity up to a volume of 300 µL
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