Corn Cob Waste, Bio-Coke Briquettes, Combustion Rate, Temperature, Mold SizeAbstract
Biomass waste is one of the wastes that is abundant and underutilized, especially corn cob biomass waste from agricultural residues. Corn cob waste can be used as bio-coke briquette fuel, which has a high calorific value and is environmentally friendly. Corn cob waste contains cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, which act as a natural adhesive and help form dense and sturdy briquettes when heated. This research intends to test the utilization of corn cob waste as material for making bio-coke briquettes and analyze the effect of temperature and mold size on the burning rate of bio-coke briquettes. This type of research is quasi-experimental with a post-test-only control group design, using 15 kg samples of corn cobs in each of 3 treatments, 1 control with 3 repetitions with variations in mold temperature (170°C, 180°C, 190°C), and mold size (diameter 12mm, 20mm, 30mm). This research uses a Hydraulic Press and Thermocontroller to regulate the pressure and temperature for making bio-coke briquettes, then observations are made by calculating the burning rate of the bio-coke briquettes. Then the data was analyzed using a one-way ANOVA test. The research findings indicate that the optimal combination for the longest burning rate of bio-coke briquettes is a mold size diameter of 30 mm and a mold temperature of 190°C, resulting in a burning time of 50 minutes. The one-way ANOVA test results demonstrated that variations in mold size have a significant impact on the burning rate of bio-coke briquettes (p ≤ 0.05), while variations in mold temperature do not affect the burning rate of bio-coke briquettes. This study highlights the potential of bio-coke briquettes from corn cob waste as an environmentally friendly alternative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve
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