About the Journal
JoMLaT (Journal of Medical Laboratory Technology) is a scientific journal that contains scientific articles related to the field of medical laboratory technology. The existence of this journal provides space for medical laboratory technology graduates, educational staff and lecturers to publish their scientific writing in more specific journals easily and sustainably. JoMLaT is a periodic scientific journal published twice a year (March and September) by the Medical Laboratory Technology Department of the Polytechnic of Health Ministry of Aceh. The aim of publishing this journal is to disseminate research results in the field of medical laboratories with a focus on the fields of microbiology, hematology, clinical chemistry, immunoserology, toxicology, cyto-histotechnology, and other health fields related to medical laboratories.
Journal Contact
Mailling Address
Jurusan Teknologi Laboratorium Medis
Jln. Tgk. H. Mohd. Daud Beureueh No. 168 A
Beurawe - Kec. Kuta Alam
Banda Aceh
Principal Contact
Safridha Kemala Putri
Phone : 081360404064
Email : jomlat.tlm@poltekkesaceh.ac.id
Support Contact
Hastuti Syahnita, SKM, M.K.M
Phone : 08116821580
Email : jomlat.tlmaceh@gmail.com