Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines


Initial submission

The article is the result of a research study in vocational health. The article should be written in English and Bahasa. The initial submission should be clean and complete but does not have to comply with all JVK specifications. There are, however, 4 requirements :

a) A blinded title page that includes the manuscript's title only without the authors' names.

b) Numbered  pages and lines (in Words > Page Setup > Line Numbers > Continuous) throughout the text of the manuscript.

c) The article is written using Microsoft Word, with Times New Roman font and size 10, 1 spacing, 3,5 cm margins on left side, 3 cm on above, 2 cm on  right and below sides. Microsoft Equation writes formulas and equations. A4 paper size, in a single column.

d) A cover letter with concise text (maximum 150-200 words) that addresses the following three topics:

(1) A description of what the paper adds to current knowledge, particularly concerning material previously published in the Journal and if systematic reviews exist on the topic.

(2) The public health importance of the paper.

(3) One sentence summarizing the paper's main message(s), which may be used to disseminate the paper on social media.

Manuscripts of insufficient priority or quality are promptly rejected. Manuscripts retained to undergo a review process for potential publication in the Journal will be submitted to a technical check. Authors will be informed immediately if their manuscripts need reformatting and will be given 14 days to make specific changes.

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Manuscript File Formats

All manuscripts should be submitted in Word document format. Seulanga submission system is located at

Manuscript Components

The research result article consists of the Title, author's name, abstract in English, keywords, introductions, methods, results and discussions, closing (conclusions and recommendations), and bibliography.

The review article consists of the Title, author's name, abstract in English, keywords, introductions, contents, closings, and bibliography.



  • The title is written in Bahasa and informative, concise, and not too long or short (5 -12 words) with Times New Roman font, size 11 pt Bold, 1 spacing.
  • Consists of the variables under study and describes the content of the manuscript.
  • A title does not contain abbreviations or formulas.
  • The title page should include the title of the manuscript only. The names of authors should be deleted to ensure double blinding of the paper during the peer review process.

Abstract and Keyword

  • The abstract is concisely written, about the most important ideas and contain the problems or research objectives, research method, and research results.
  • Written in an Indonesian and English language with 150-200 words maximum.
  • If the article was written in Bahasa, the abstract should be written in Bahasa and English properly. If the article was written in English, the abstract should be written only in English.
  • Abstract for each language only allowed to be written in 1 paragraph with 1 column format
  • Keywords contains main words consisting of 3-5 words


An introduction is presented in an integrated manner without subtitle. It is written in the form of paragraphs with a length of 15-20% of the articles length, and contains:

  • Background or research rational
  • Theoretical basis (literature review in brief)
  • Research objective


Method is written with a length of 15-20% of the articles length and contain:

  • The study design
  • Data collection techniques and data sources
  • Method of data analysis

Results and Discussion

Results and discussion are presented with a length of 60-70% of the articles length. The results represent a major part of scientific articles containing:

  • Results of data analysis
  • Results of hypothesis testing
  • It can be presented with a table or graph to clarify results verbally
  • Discussion is an important part of the entire scientific article. The purposes of the discussion are: answer the research problem, interpret the findings, integrate the findings of research into the existing knowledge, and formulate a new theory or modify the existing theories.
  • A serial number that is used is number (1), (2), (3), and so on, do not need to use a composite number. Hyphens should not change the serial number.


  • Contain conclusions and recommendations.
  • Conclusions contain answers to the research questions
  • Recommendations refer to the results of research and practical form of action, specify to whom and for what recommendation is intended.
  • Written in essay form, not in numerical form.


  • Contain literature that is referenced in the content, arranged alphabetically, and written in the AMA (American Medical Association) citation style system.
  • Fully written, appropriate with the references in the content
  • Only load literature referenced in the content
  • Source of references are 80% from literature published last 5 years.
  • References are at least 80% from research articles in journals or research reports.
  • An article should refer to the article published in the Nasuwakes journal.
  • Bibliography format is AMA
  • Mendeley is required